Order your MP4 video recording of Matilda Jr. or (for an additional $10) a DVD+MP4 Recording of the performance!
PLEASE NOTE THE EMAIL AND MAILING ADDRESS YOU PROVIDE IS WHERE THE MP4 FILE AND DVD WILL BE SENT - We recommend checking this information to ensure it's correct for your family.
Enjoy watching the show again and again! Video files/DVDs will be sent (via email or snail mail) 6 weeks after the performance date.
Matilda Jr. MP4/DVD (McKenzie Shows)
No returns or refunds available once MP3 or DVD has been purchased.
PLEASE NOTE THE EMAIL AND MAILING ADDRESS YOU PROVIDE IS WHERE THE MP4 FILE AND DVD WILL BE SENT - We recommend checking this information to ensure it's correct for your family.
DVD and MP4 orders will be professionally edited and sent out by 6 weeks after the performance. If you have any questions about your order please contact videographer Chaz Abbate at chazman55555@gmail.com